Unlocking Your Teen's Potential:
A Guide to Purpose-Driven Education

This webinar is for:
▷ Parents of teens and young adults
▷ Parents seeking to empower their child in career and education planning

🕗  47 min

There is so much pressure for teens to decide their career direction.

With the job market evolving rapidly, the pressure to make the right decision weighs heavily on their shoulders, often leaving both teens and parents uncertain about the way forward

This webinar will provide parents with the tools and insights needed to empower their teens to navigate these important career and education decisions with confidence.

You'll learn:

  • Unique obstacles today's youth are facing
  • Why matching students to a job title doesn't work
  • Stories about young adults who went from discouraged to excited
  • Concrete recommendations and resources you can share with your teen

Ready to start?

Book your free Coaching Readiness Call now to assess if SparkPath is right for your young adult.

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