Sparkpath Challenge Cards

From lost to found

Help your teen gain career confidence with SparkPath’s free Career Navigator.

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Over 70,000 students have used SparkPath to explore careers and gain clarity on their future. 

Trusted by:

What Parents Say About SparkPath

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“This was the best investment we ever made for them.”  

Lisa Desroches


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"You helped her identify how she wants to contribute to the world. She has a better sense of hope for the future and self confidence."

Mike Courneya


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"This experience will no doubt serve our son well for a lifetime."

Glen Orsak


Help Your Teen

Uncover Interests

Guide your teen to explore career options, based on challenges they want to solve, instead of job titles to fit into. 

Build Confidence

Boost your teen's confidence in their career decision-making and empower them to take charge of their future.

Foster Wellbeing

Help your teen navigate anxiety and overcome uncertainty in their path to educational and career success.

How It Works

Step 1

Sort Cards

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Your teen will discover new career options through exploring challenges to solve.

⏱ 3-5 minutes

Step 2

Download Report

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Your teen will receive a personalized report of the challenges they can help solve.

⏱ Instantly

Step 3

Gain Clarity

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Your teen will feel more clarity and confidence in their career exploration. 

⏱ Long Term

Start Now

Enter your information to access the Career Navigator.

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Don't worry - your information will never be shared or sold.

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“Too often, we end up in the wrong career because we ask the wrong questions. JP Michel’s Challenge Cards are cleverly designed to fix that.”

Adam Grant, author of Originals and Think Again, and host of the TEDx podcast WorkLife

Discover SparkPath Success Stories

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to guide your teen towards career clarity?

Sign Up Now

“Too often, we end up in the wrong career because we ask the wrong questions. JP Michel’s Challenge Cards are cleverly designed to fix that.”

Adam Grant, author of Originals and Think Again, and host of the TEDx podcast WorkLife

What's included in the Free Career Assessment

Explore the Challenge Cards

Your teen will discover inspiring challenges, problems, and opportunities they want to work on.

Receive a personalized report

Your teen will receive a report of the top 3 challenges that resonated with them and guidance for how to get started.


Start with Purpose

Understand how they are uniquely equipped to make contributions through their work preferences, values, and strengths.

How it works

Step 1

Guided Reflection

Your teen will complete a card-sort assessment to reflect on where they are now and where they want to go.

⏱ 20 minutes

Step 2


Based on the assessment results, SparkPath will generate a customized report of exciting options for your teen.

⏱ Instantly

Step 3

Gain Career Clarity

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You will have a new tool for confidently guiding your teen towards fulfilling career and education choices.

⏱ Long-term

Step 4

Unlock More Insights

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Get the option to upgrade  to a $20 Premium Assessment with more personalized career recommendations.

⏱ Future

Sign up for SparkPath's Free Career Assessment today

Sign up using your email to get access to the Career Assessment and share it with your teen.