Take your teen's career confidence to the next level

Upgrade to the SparkPath Career Navigator Pro to unlock a comprehensive profile customized to your teen's strengths and interests. 

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Over 70,000 students have used SparkPath to explore careers and gain clarity on their future. 

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Unlock More Insights When You Upgrade

Strengths Report


A personalized report of your teen's strengths and how to harness them

Relevant Job Titles

A list of the types of jobs focused on solving your teen's chosen challenges

Relevant Companies


A collection of companies working on the challenges your teen cares about

Education Programs


A list of education programs that will help your teen work on their challenges

What Parents Say About The Career Navigator Pro

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“As a parent, it was great to see my son engage in conversation about his future career. The focus on what change he wanted to make in the world, rather than what job he wanted to do, was a great motivator!”

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“This was the best investment we ever made for them.”

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“It provided an external (i.e. not your parent) perspective on my child's strengths and weaknesses and what kind of directions they might want to open themselves to exploring.”

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I loved how it was clear that everyone can and should be a contributing member of society, that we all have value and that we can use our skills to help better society in areas that we perhaps wouldn't automatically consider.

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As a parent, it was great to see my son engage in conversation about his future career. The focus on what change he wanted to make in the world, rather than what job he wanted to do was a great motivator!

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The report helped my daughter broaden her thinking and feel encouraged and more confident in exploring career options instead of focusing on only one type of job or occupation.

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It helped me show my daughter that I'm not the only one to think that thinking about careers in early high school is important.

Boost your teen's career confidence today.

How it works

Step 1

Part-2 Survey

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Your teen will fill out a survey to share more about their interests and evaluate their unique strengths.

⏱ 15 minutes

Step 2

Pro Report

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A Career Specialist will hand-craft a report of recommendations for your teen's career and education path.

⏱ 1 - 2 Business Days

Step 3 

Career Clarity

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You and your teen will receive new tools to engage in productive conversations that boost career-confidence.

⏱ Long-Term

Start with Purpose

Understand how they are uniquely equipped to make contributions through their work preferences, values, and strengths.

Learn More About The SparkPath Approach

Watch JP Michel's TedX Talk to find out how the innovative Challenge mindset works.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to boost your teen's career confidence today?